Heian Shodan is a kata (a set pattern of movements) in the Shotokan style of karate. The kata is relatively simple and is often taught to beginners as their first kata. The kata consists of several blocks, strikes, kicks, and a few turns. The kata is performed solo and typically takes around 1-2 minutes to perform.
Shotokan Kata 1 (Heian Shodan) with Instructions | Heian Shodan Meaning | Heian Shodan Kata tutorial

Here are the instructions for Heian Shodan:

Begin by standing in the ready stance (zenkutsu-dachi) with your left foot forward and your left hand in a fist at your hip.

Perform a left high block (age-uke) with your left hand, then a right middle punch (chudan-tsuki) with your right hand.

Step forward with your left foot and perform a left low block (gedan-barai) with your left hand, then a right middle punch (chudan-tsuki) with your right hand.

Perform a right high block (age-uke) with your right hand, then a left middle punch (chudan-tsuki) with your left hand.

Step forward with your right foot and perform a right low block (gedan-barai) with your right hand, then a left middle punch (chudan-tsuki) with your left hand.

Turn 180 degrees to the left and perform a left high block (age-uke) with your left hand, then a right middle punch (chudan-tsuki) with your right hand.

Step forward with your left foot and perform a left low block (gedan-barai) with your left hand, then a right middle punch (chudan-tsuki) with your right hand.

Perform a right high block (age-uke) with your right hand, then a left middle punch (chudan-tsuki) with your left hand.

Step forward with your right foot and perform a right low block (gedan-barai) with your right hand, then a left middle punch (chudan-tsuki) with your left hand.

Turn 180 degrees to the right and return to your starting position (zenkutsu-dachi).

It's important to note that while the instructions above provide a general outline of the kata, the specific details and execution of the moves may vary depending on the instructor or organization teaching the kata. It's always best to learn the kata from a qualified and experienced instructor.

Heian Shodan Meaning;

 Heian Shodan is the first kata in the Heian series of katas in the Shotokan style of karate. The name Heian can be translated to "peaceful mind" or "calm mind", and the word shodan means "first degree" or "beginning level". So, Heian Shodan can be translated to "first level of peaceful mind" or "beginning level of calm mind". The kata is considered to be relatively simple and is often taught to beginners as their first kata. The kata is meant to teach the basic moves, stance and breathing in Karate.

Heian Shodan Kata tutorial

Begin in the ready stance, facing forward.
Step forward with the left foot and perform a left inward block.
Step forward with the right foot and perform a right inward block.
Step forward with the left foot and perform a left outward block.
Step forward with the right foot and perform a right outward block.
Step forward with the left foot and perform a left punch.
Step forward with the right foot and perform a right punch.
Turn 180 degrees to the right and step back with the right foot while performing a right inward block.
Step back with the left foot and perform a left inward block.
Step back with the right foot and perform a right outward block.
Step back with the left foot and perform a left outward block.
Step back with the right foot and perform a right punch.
Step back with the left foot and perform a left punch.
Turn 180 degrees to the left and step forward with the left foot while performing a left inward block.
Step forward with the right foot and perform a right inward block.
Step forward with the left foot and perform a left outward block.
Step forward with the right foot and perform a right outward block.
Step forward with the left foot and perform a left punch.
Step forward with the right foot and perform a right punch.
Turn 90 degrees to the left and step back with the left foot while performing a left inward block.
Step back with the right foot and perform a right inward block.
Step back with the left foot and perform a left punch.
Step back with the right foot and perform a right punch.
Return to the ready stance, facing forward.

Please keep in mind that the representation above is a text-based description of the Kata and it's not a substitute for proper training with an experienced instructor.